Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and overview

    • Introduction and overview

  • 2

    Crash course: authorization in 10 minutes

    • Framework setup

    • Authorization in action

  • 3

    Overview of OPA (optional)

    • OPA intro from its co-creator

    • Rego: the OPA policy language

    • Policy language quiz

    • Additional resources

  • 4

    Hands-on lab with Kuma service mesh

    • Getting started

    • Deploy OPA-enabled sample app

    • Author and deploy policy

  • 5

    Hands-on lab with Istio service mesh

    • Getting started

    • Deploy OPA-enabled sample app

    • Author and deploy policy

  • 6

    Design, implementation, and deployment

    • End-user authorization

    • Policy organization

    • Service-to-service authorization

    • External data

  • 7

    Day-2 topics

    • Adoption and governance

    • Monitoring and Troubleshooting

    • DevOps topics

  • 8

    Wrapping up

    • Congratulations

    • Help us improve!